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The CAQ is a dynamic workplace that brings together talented individuals committed to living our values and bringing our mission to life. As a leading voice on all things public company auditing, the CAQ relies on the tireless dedication of its highly-skilled team to bring our mission to life. Lend your passion and curiosity to a team that's working to drive important conversations and create lasting impact in the auditing profession. At the CAQ we strive to live our values with intention. Core to our culture is our commitment to Diversity and inclusion.
Our capital markets are an important engine for driving and maintaining our economic and societal well-being. These markets operate on data, and audited financial statements have long been a critical element of this information dynamic for their accuracy, transparency, and reliability. As investors make investing decisions, they depend on the information they receive from public company management.
Non-GAAP financial measures and KPIs are used by many companies to supplement their GAAP disclosures with amounts that portray the company's unique story and provide insight into how management internally evaluates company performance. Given the importance of non-GAAP financial measures and KPIs in decision making, it is critical that there is clarity around how they are developed, that there is quality in their preparation, and that there is strong oversight of their reporting and disclosure.

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