Our professional and caring staff is dedicated to delivering only premium quality and comprehensive financial services. To learn more about the aforementioned services, contact us with your proposal request today to get started.
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We at EFJ are always enhancing and expanding our accounting services to meet the ever-changing and growing needs of our clients' specific situation, whatever it may be. To help meet these goals, we provide the following service groups:. Whatever your financial needs are, Erwin, Fountain & Jackson, P.A. is here to help you meet your goals.
Erwin, Fountain & Jackson, P.A., is here as a resource, advisor, and partner in achieving business strategies that contribute to the continued success of our clients. You can always expect us to be open and objective in our discussions about your financial objectives and our associated fees. We understand the importance of a relationship built on frequent client interaction, mutual respect, and uncompromising trust. In fact, many of our clients see us on a monthly basis, which provides an open forum for financial discussions throughout the year.
Our Business Accounting & Auditing Service clients include private businesses, non-profit organizations, and other service firms. EFJ provides professional accounting services and financial guidance to the degree required. An audit can be helpful in identifying areas of strength and weakness within a business accounting structure and can assist in updating your organizational goals and satisfying various financial and legal requirements.
Minimizing your tax liability requires careful, advance planning rather than preparing tax returns as deadlines near. EFJ Tax Services Group professionals provide complete tax services and are assisted by our extensive in house and electronic tax library. We of course use state-of-the-art computer technology for the time-devouring calculations involved in projections and tax return preparations. That way, our tax team is free to concentrate its talents on analysis and innovative solutions to the tax problems faced by clients today.

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