For over two decades, the Dental Financial Strategists at Coleman, Ureda, Alford & Kaucher, P.A. have been helping dentists meet their financial goals. We combine our knowledge of dentistry with our experience in accounting, tax, financial planning, and more to help make your dental career a more pleasurable experience. Get to know us better! Meet our talented team of Professionals.
By utilizing some of the finest resources in the business, we can help you make more money and keep more money. We apply a holistic approach to your financial life that ensures that all elements, including your practice, are integrated and that all your personal and professional needs are met. We provide a number of services you wouldn't expect from traditional CPAs, and for assistance in those areas that we don't personally service, we have established relationships with top financial strategists in the dental industry.
At Coleman, Ureda, Alford & Kaucher, P.A., we understand how everything from bookkeeping to retirement planning affects a dental practice and its financial health which ultimately determines the doctor's quality of life. That's why we help provide for all the needs a dentist will have throughout the life cycle of the practice and beyond.
If the words "tax" and "accounting" make you want to rinse and spit, we understand. That's why we're here-your dental CPA team: made up of our two principals, a client manager, and a client service accountant; working for you to make tax and accounting a little less painful. At Coleman, Ureda, Alford & Kaucher, we make tax and accounting understandable by providing you with monthly financial statements and graphs that let you know exactly where you stand and how the numbers relate to revenue and overhead control.
When starting your own dental practice, you need the support and expertise that Coleman, Ureda, Alford & Kaucher can provide. You will need a guide to help you navigate the maze of issues involved in setting up your own business. We can be that guide. At Coleman, Ureda, Alford & Kaucher, we strive to be a one-stop shop for dental start-ups.

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