Many airlines are sending taxpayers messages urging them to use their credit card to pay their income taxes. If you do, maybe it's time to change your accountant. Please contact us for more information about our firm and to schedule a free consultation.
A business is only as good as its accountants. Well, maybe thats going too far, but proper accounting and tax services are crucial elements of any business. Not only to measure results, but to plan for those results. Proper tax planning is crucial to maximize income. There are many planning tools that individuals can use to minimize taxes and maximize retirement savings.
The Breadth of our individual clients range from young entreprenuers to mature corporate executives, and everyone in between. We represent most of the business owners, executives and partners of our corporate clients. One of the keys to asset management is proper planning for transfer of wealth. We provide Trust and Estate services to many of our retired clients, as well as their relatives and business partners.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 brought many changes for individuals and businesses. Below are the major changes for Business in 2018, 2019 and beyond. Business Credits - modifies, but does not eliminate, the rehabilitation credit and the orphan drug credit, while limiting the deduction for FDIC premiums.
529 plans offer federal income tax breaks. Although taxpayer contributions are not deductible on the federal tax return, your investment grows tax-deferred, and distributions to pay for the beneficiary's college costs come out federally tax-free. The tax-free treatment was made 'permanent' with the Pension Protection Act of 2006.

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