Albert Einstein once said, "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." This pithy statement highlights some of the core values here at Kattell and Company. We provide the highest quality accounting and auditing services exclusively to not-for-profit organizations. Our focus throughout the years has been not-for-profit organizations.
This is where we excel. This is what sets us apart. We are accountants who take into consideration that there is more to a not-for-profit than just the numbers, that every organization is unique.
This is where we excel. This is what sets us apart. We are accountants who take into consideration that there is more to a not-for-profit than just the numbers, that every organization is unique.
At Kattell and Company we strive to always hold ourselves to the highest degree of excellence for our clients. In accordance with professional standards, Kattell and Company has established quality control policies and procedures to provide assurance that our accounting and auditing engagements conform to the highest standards.
We are so pleased to be able to work with so many good people at so many great organizations. Attestation : Include audits, reviews and compilations of financial statements. Our primary product is an audit of financial statements. We provide a handful of reviews and compilations. Our audits include audits performed in accordance with the standards for financial audits contained in Government Audit Standards, issued by the Government Accountability Office and the Single Audit Act.For many of these clients we also assist in the preparation of the IRS Form 990.
Provides various guides and publications relating to accounting and auditing, along with Continuing Professional Education opportunities. Maintains accounting standards updates, a codification of accounting standards, and other related references. Provides Statements of Governmental Accounting Standards, Concepts Satements, GASB Interpretations, and GASB Technical Bulletins.
Reviews (2)
Expressions Academy
Jun 06, 2022
Christian Family Services
Mar 19, 2021