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Kopmeyer & Talty PC was established in Livonia in the fall of 1993. When Gary Kopmeyer and Marty Talty decided to move the firm to Livonia, they did so in order to become a part of the community where they were raising their families. They also wanted to be directly involved in the planning and advisory services they offer their client base.
Have you just started a new business? Did you know expenses incurred before a business begins operations are not allowed as current deductions? Generally, these start up costs must be amortized over a period of 180 months beginning in the month in which the business begins. However, based on the current tax provisions, you may elect to deduct up to $5,000 of business start-up and $5,000 of organizational costs paid or incurred. The $5,000 deduction is reduced by any start-up or organizational costs which exceed $50,000.
Following are some generally recognized financial planning tools that may help you reduce your tax bill. Charitable Giving - Instead of selling your appreciated long-term securities, donate the stock instead and avoid paying tax on the unrealized gain while still getting a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value.
Reviews (2)
Mark Sislo
Feb 18, 2022
Ray N. Gerry Erwin
Mar 14, 2017