Electronic cash management is the "wave of the future" and CPR Systems' new electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) could be just the cash management solution you've been looking for. IRS Federal-State e-file Electronic Funds Transfers is the ANSWER! Large corporations and financial institutions have used the EFT system for some time.
Expenses associated with setting up an EFT program have made it prohibitive for small and medium sized businesses. UNTIL NOW! WE HAVE THE "SOLUTION " to your EFT needs. Within a 48 hr period, the EFT process allows transferring of pre-authorized debits or credits from one bank account to another.
Expenses associated with setting up an EFT program have made it prohibitive for small and medium sized businesses. UNTIL NOW! WE HAVE THE "SOLUTION " to your EFT needs. Within a 48 hr period, the EFT process allows transferring of pre-authorized debits or credits from one bank account to another.
Network enabled to run under Windows Networking, Windows NT, Novell, and other popular environments. File transfer via secure internet connection, or via telephone line with most popular modems. Includes functionality to process all types of transactions: EFT accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and RCK (returned check representment).
Compete with the "big guys" - Offer Payroll Direct Deposit to your employees. American employees spend anywhere from eight-and-a-half to 24 hours each year running to the bank to deposit their paychecks. The cost to employers is between $3 and 5 billion annually in lost productivity. With direct deposit, employees will still receive a pay stub detailing their net pay and deductions.
Slow payments got you over a barrel? Tired of waiting 30, 60 or 90 days or even longer to receive payments? Then, CPR Systems' new Automated Accounts Receivable solution could be just what you are looking for. The Automated Bill Payment Service allows the electronic transfer of funds from your customer account directly into your account in lieu of the traditional bill payment cycle.

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